Are you hanging out in the spiritual shallows?

I've never gone surfing in my life. In fact, any sport that requires my feet to be in or on something that rolls or moves is an absolute no-go. But I have done plenty of spiritual surfing.I've ridden some big waves in my time, the soft spray on my face, my hands out steadying me, God's love enveloping me. My trust and joy at absolute highs. And I've been knocked off my board and dragged under more than once.Then there's that inbetween spell. The waves have worn me out, I'm staring at them from the shallows, and I want the high without the work. I want the thrill without the spray. I want that immeasurable joy that comes from spending time with God without spending any actual time with God.Many of us have been there. We feel ourselves being pulled further and further from God. Whether it's from busy-ness or through sin, we feel ourselves pull away from our Lord. We feel the fire of our spiritual life die down. We feel like we can't sense Him anymore.When we first begin to take our relationship with God seriously, it comes so easily. Every little prayer amazes us. Every liturgy is a delight. Every metanoia is a little piece of heaven. And then, suddenly, it starts to get harder. Liturgy becomes bitter. Prayer becomes burdensome. Metanoias get passe.What's going on?Welcome to your graduation ceremony!If you have been on a high and are now just feeling blah and wading in the spiritual shallows, guess what? God is asking you to take it to the next level. He wants to get your muscles primed for the next big wave.You thought those waves from last season were good? Wait till you see the joys He has planned when you're ready.The time for milk in your life has passed. It's time to put your big girl pants on and start chewing your spiritual food. You can't have mush forever. You can't keep lifting those five pound weights and hope to build muscle mass. You can't sit on your boogie board and expect to become a pro surfer.God wants to have a real relationship with you, and He wants you to take your life with Him as seriously as He does. He wants you to love Him even when it's hard. That's how immortal love stories get written.So now what?Well, you know the answer already. You know it, but you just don't want to do it. If you want to ride the wave, you have to get in the water.First and by far most importantly, talk to Him. When you have a conflict with a friend you value, you take it directly to him or her. Do the same with God. Take the problem to the One you love, the One who loves you.Open your heart. Be honest and upfront. And keep the lines of communication open both ways, that is pray AND read the Bible. It's always the right answer. (Just go do it already!)You can't skip steps.Like any good athlete, you can't go from the shallows back to the depths without some warm-up. You can't ignore God for weeks and expect to be successful at praying every Hour of the Agpeya.An athlete does some easy stretches and works his or her way back to prime condition. So too must you warm yourself up before riding those epic spiritual waves again.Go to Liturgy. Take communion. Start praying in the mornings again, no matter how brief. Lift those five pound weights and the next week make it ten.And by the way, taking it slow is not the same as taking it easy. Taking it easy is "lying on the bed of sins, negligent in disciplining the flesh" (Compline/11th Hour). Taking it slow is self-discipline; taking it easy is death.Oh and note.While you're in the spiritual shallows, thinking you're safe and completely unawares, is when sharks come take a chunk out of your thigh. The devil prowls the shallows. It's easiest to drag you under and knock your head on the rocks when you aren't watching the next swell.If you're in the shallows and hanging out, I'm telling you right now, the devil is coming for you.Come in the water.Slowly, carefully, deliberately.The next ride is so worth it.

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