Ode to Freedom on the Fourth of July

I forgot I was human for a second there.
I forgot all my fears.
I forgot all the largely imagined obstacles I put in my own way.
I forgot to worry.

I forgot to try to remember and to think and rethink and overthink.
I forgot to think and just did instead.
I forgot to plan every step so carefully I was paralyzed.
I forgot to panic.
I forgot to panic, and it was beautiful.

I forgot to turn on the inner radio of insecurity.
I forgot to turn up the voices till they hurt the ears of my heart.
I forgot to listen to the voices at all.
I forgot there were voices.

I forgot to block out God's calm, soothing voice.
I forgot to doubt He was watching over me.
I forgot to say "what if..." and decided to see what happens instead.

I forgot that my heart ached or belly ached or head ached.
I forgot that I was aging.
I forgot that my days were numbered.
I forgot that I was in pain and that pain existed in the first place.

I remembered to breathe and be grateful for breathing.


My Life in Five Years (52 Weeks)


10 Things I Can't Live Without (52 Weeks)