Crafting Memorable Events

Today, I want to share some tips for designing a memorable event or activity.

Whether you are planning something for the whole church or just for your own Sunday School class (or even for your own children), you want to create something that makes an impact on the kids. We want our service to leave a lasting positive mark in their memories.

These tips are distilled from the book The Power of Moments (affiliate link). I read this book for my video book club Tea with Tasoni a while back, and it's really an incredible resource (keep scrolling to watch the videos).

Here are a few elements of a memorable event:

Make It Special

  • Be unreasonable (not good, not great, FANTASTIC)

  • Activate all the senses

  • Do it in a way that’s unusual (create a WOW moment)

Make Them Confident

  • Give them responsibility

  • Let them practice courage

  • Recognize their talents/Praise them

  • Give them a sense of achievement (set goals they can reach for and achieve)

Make Them Friends

  • Have them go through challenges together

  • Have them serve a purpose together

  • Help them laugh together

Think about a high school graduation.

(Activate the senses) You wear different clothes, listen to "Pomp and Circumstance," and watch your classmates cross the stage one by one.

(Praise them) Kids are recognized for their academic achievement through honors, and their social or athletic achievements through cords and pins.

(Laugh together) Great graduation speeches include a lot of jokes that apply to all the kids.

You don't have to use every single element in every event, but by focusing on a couple of them you can elevate the mundane into the extraordinary--into the memorable.

Learn More About Moments

For more information, you can pick up a copy of the book The Power of Moments (affiliate link) and watch my videos for The Power of Moments Tea.

  1. Intro to Power of Moments

  2. Power of Moments “Elevation”

  3. Power of Moments “Insight”

  4. Power of Moments “Pride”

  5. Power of Moments “Connection”


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