Quiet Time Journal Reading Plans

Day 1: God’s Call to Repentance: Jeremiah 3:12-14

Day 2: God Calls Us to Life: Ezekiel 18:30-32

Day 3: Remember Your First Love: Revelation 2:1-5

Day 4: Nehemiah’s Prayer: Nehemiah 1:4-11

Day 5: David’s Prayer of Repentance: Psalms 51

Day 6: Daniel’s Prayer for Mercy: Daniel 9:8-19

Day 7: Nineveh Repents: Jonah 3:1-10

Day 8: The Prodigal Son: Luke 15:11-32

Day 9: The Woman Accused: John 8:1-11

Day 10: The Unforgiving Servant: Matthew 18:21-35

Day 11: God’s Forgiveness: Isaiah 1:16-18

Day 12: God Forgives: 1 John 1:5-10

Day 13: God Is Not Slack: 2 Peter 3:8-9

Day 14: God Removes Our Transgressions: Psalm 103

Day 15: The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:9–15

Day 16: He Delights in Mercy: Micah 7:18-20

Day 17: The Right-Hand Thief: Luke 23:32-43

Day 18: Israel Restored: Hosea 14:1-4

Day 19: Our Redeemer: Isaiah 44:21-24

Day 20: A Blessing of Forgiveness: Psalm 32:1–7