The Common Becomes Rare

I was poking around a Facebook group for small businesses when someone said something unusual: "The common becomes uncommon and then rare" (Steve Boyko, TrainGeek). Steve was talking about trains, but it was such a deep statement.I am so struck by the truth of it--especially in light of the holidays.You see, two or three years ago my husband said to me, "This Christmas is important. You don't know how many you have left with your whole family together like this." He should know. It's been nearly a decade since he celebrated a feast with his extended family--scattered as they are across four continents.Indeed, this year will be the first of many for me that my uncle, aunt and three daughters are celebrating on a totally different coast. It used to be common for us all to celebrate together. It is becoming uncommon. It used to be common to spend a whole week together; this year, with our work schedules, we only have a few days overlapping. Soon, as each one is married and headed in a different direction, these celebrations will be rare.Wherever you are this week, don't underestimate the beauty of your current situation. It may be common now, but one day it won't.You may think you have unlimited Christmases with your parents, but you don't.You may think you have unlimited Christmases in good health, but you don't.You may think you have unlimited Christmases in this house, but you don't.We always use "this too shall pass" to talk about negative things--trials and troubles. But some of the good times will pass as well. We can't let them slip through our fingers.Wake up to the truth of the temporal nature of your life! Put the phone away. Close the tablet and the laptop. Look each other in the eye. Ask the questions you've been saving. Tell the stories you've been holding back.You may be having a common Christmas this year. Next year it will be uncommon. One day it will be rare.Merry Christmas from my family to yours ❤ !

Your Turn

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My First Christmas