My Father Is Always Working (Lock Screen)
But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God. (John 5:17-18)There is so much significance in these verses from the Gospel of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, from the story of The Paralyzed Man, so much to unpack.I choose instead to focus on just one line, on one concept. Abouna recently gave a sermon on just this point. And that is that God is always working. Sometimes we think we're waiting on God to do something, but this is patently false. We don't ever wait on God. God is always working. We simply don't see or aren't aware of the work quite yet.I think it's easiest to explain this when thinking about marriage. Two individuals grow separately in the fear of God and then come together at the altar, prepared by God for just this very moment. Until they met, they had no idea that the Lord had been working for 20+ years to grow and nourish and nurture one spouse for the other.Whatever you are waiting on, know that the Lord is always working on your behalf. He is always there for you. Always ten thousand steps ahead. Omniscient isn't just a title; it's a reality.And the second half of this verse is for each of us as we are called to serve our Master. We, like Christ, work for the Father. We represent Him at work, at church, in service to our Sunday school students, in our neighborhood, on the street. We should also always be working.When you look at your phone this week, be encouraged to work for the glory of God wherever you are and in whatever you're doing.
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Here's a square version to download for use on Instagram!This photograph was supplied by unsplash. All design work is my own; please use and share freely for personal use. You may not include these wallpapers on other sites or any commercial product, without my prior, written permission.