Moving Forward

Want to listen instead?Dear Tasoni,A year ago I was fired from my job, and I am still so upset about it. I'm so frustrated because I know how hard I was working. I know my boss was being unfair, and I keep thinking about it. It irks me to no end. I keep wondering WHY did she fire me and what should I have done differently. Honestly? Sometimes I still cry about it. It was kind of a dream job. I was only there for four months. She really didn't give me a chance. I've never even failed a class before. I'm a really hard worker. What should I do? I just can't stop thinking about it.Fired in Austin, TXDear Fired,In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter?Your feelings matter. Trust me, as an INFJ, I know feelings matter. But we can't let our emotions cloud our perspective. You can't give your emotions about a particular life event cloud your judgment and color your behavior. Don't give a painful period in your life power over you.At the risk of sounding cold, my first thoughts were... So she fired you. So what?Living in the past is incredibly dangerous. It seems like a great idea while you're doing it. "Let me just mull this play over one more time to see how I could have run it," you think. But at some point you need to take a deep breath and recognize that the game is over. It's time to start playing a new one with a clear head.Being fired from a job is a lot like a failed relationship. You can choose to let a four month whirlwind Paris romance control your entire life, or you can chalk them off as four beautiful painful months in your long and lucrative history. Other things will happen in your life. But not as long as you hold Paris up as the pinnacle of your achievements.You choose the lenses through which you view your life. You decide whether you are the victor or the victim--long before you are either. If you choose to feel victimized by common everyday occurrences, like being fired from a job, or having been in a failed relationship, or even little decisions you've made in your life, you will be holding yourself back *immensely* from rising and achieving you own personal victorious destiny.God does not want that. He does not want you held back by your baggage. He wants you to unload it on Him and move forward.So you got fired. Is it really that unusual? Maybe you believe yourself to be above us mere mortals, but come down from your "Woe is me" pedestal for a bit. We've all been in those situations. We have failed classes, jobs, relationships, Mondays. Your situation is not unique.If it's been a year and you are still stuck in the past, you need to take the necessary steps to move on. You need to get serious about letting go of your mistakes. The best way I know of to do that is to make NEW mistakes. Yes! You heard me correctly. Dive in, take calculated risks, and live to fail another day. Leave that mistake in the dust of new adventures.It is ultimately what life is about. Need Biblical proof? Moses made mistakes and excuses left and right. And he was one of the greatest prophets in the history of the entire world. Do you need to give yourself 40 years in the wilderness to figure that out? Or can you try maybe the 43 days of the Nativity Fast that's coming up?All things work together for good--if you allow God to work unhindered. You either believe He has your best interests at heart or you don't. Trust Him and move forward BOLDLY.I'm almost scared to ask--are you employed right now? Why ever not? Or if you are employed but not satisfied, start planning your comeback tour. No, not the same job, but to another one--equally as thrilling. Look ahead, plan ahead. Make your life happen.You are going to do great things! Don't waste any more time on your way there. God is already waiting two steps ahead.With love,Tasoni
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