Merry Christmas Lock Screen
I am SO IN LOVE with this week's Christmas lock screen!! In celebration of (American) Christmas on Dec. 25, I created this original lock screen JUST FOR YOU--my beloved friends and readers!As usual, this is all original photography/artwork and design!See for yourself--isn't this the most beautiful of the bunch so far?!!This week's lock screen features a verse from the Gospel reading of the 2nd Sunday of Kiahk. These are the words of Archangel Gabriel to St. Mary concerning both her conception and birth of her Lord and her cousin Elizabeth's pregnancy in her old age."For with God nothing will be impossible" Luke 1:37 -- this is the reason for the hope in our hearts!There are two versions. The first is sized and designed for an iPhone 6. The second is sized and designed for an LG G3 or anyone who needs the verse lower on the screen (I hope! I will wait for someone to confirm that it worked properly!).If you have a different device and would like me to recreate the lock screen to work for yours, let me know in the comments!The image can be used on any phone, but the top one is sized for an iPhone 6s. Save it to your camera roll, hit use as wallpaper lock screen, pinch to turn off perspective zoom, and enjoy another inspirational week!Click this image to open full-sized and save! Here is version #2 for those who of you who need the verse lower on the screen (sized for LG G3):
Share this post on Facebook to inspire your friends as well!All photography and design work is my own; please use and share freely for personal use. You may not include these wallpapers on other sites or any commercial product, without my prior permission.Past Lock Screens:Lock Screen 01Lock Screen 02Lock Screen 03