Man Born Blind (Lock Screen)
"He answered and said, 'A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, "Go to the pool of Siloam and wash." So I went and washed, and I received sight.'" (John 9:11)The Gospel story from the Fifth Sunday of Lent is the Man Born Blind.We are often blinded by our own willful nature. We don't see the truth of what's before us (or who...), insisting instead of our version of reality. The Pharisees were called out by Christ for this very thing. They insisted that they could see (in fact, that they saw more clearly than others), and so by their arrogance remained in their sin.How many times and in how many relationships do we do that? We insist we see, and so we remain blind.When you see this verse on your lock screen this week, remember to ask God to open your eyes to the truth. Remember that the devil works by deception. He often deceives us about the motives of those around us. We should instead beg God for eyes that see the truth and humanity of each person in our life.
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Make sure to click to open at full-size to save and set as wallpaper lock screen.Share this post on Facebook to inspire your friends as well!
Here's a square version to download for use on Instagram!This photograph was supplied by Stock Unlimited. All design work is my own; please use and share freely for personal use. You may not include these wallpapers on other sites or any commercial product, without my prior, written permission.