Holy Week Lock Screen
It's hard to believe that Holy Week is already upon us... Where did all the weeks ago? It seems like only yesterday we were gearing up to begin fasting. Now we're on the final countdown to the Feast of the Resurrection.I hope you have a blessed Holy Week. I hope that you enjoy every moment, that you seek God in every moment. Remember to refer to the Ultimate Holy Week Guide, and if you were e-mailed the [thrive_2step id='2548']PDF[/thrive_2step], remember to print it and use it!When you see this verse on your lock screen this week, remember how much God loves you and how the devil uses the world to distract you of that one essential fact. God isn't waiting for you to be perfect to love you, to give you of Himself. He already loves you. He's already given you the ultimate gift. He just needs you to turn towards Him.
Do you want access to all the lock screen thumbnails at once (nearly thirty of them now!) for easy choosing and downloading? [thrive_2step id='2294']All you have to do is click here and opt-in for instant access.[/thrive_2step]
Enjoy your Holy Week Lock Screen!Make sure to click to open at full-size to save and set as wallpaper lock screen. Choose between color and black & white.Share this post on Facebook to inspire your friends as well!
Here's a square version to download for use on Instagram!This vector was supplied by Stock Unlimited. All design work is my own; please use and share freely for personal use. You may not include these wallpapers on other sites or any commercial product, without my prior, written permission.