Five Posts to Help You Seize the Day

These five posts are about seizing the day. After a somewhat unpleasant yesterday (that I tried to seize and fell flat on my face about), I'm happy to say that today is going much more my way :).

1. Why Fear Matters from the photography blog Ground Glass by Spencer Lum

"When you create, you have a choice. You can live on borrowed lives using the images and voices of others. Or you can live your own life, speak in your own way, and know your own path."

2. Forget Winter: College Is Coming by an undergrad on her blog Copt in College

"How could we be afraid to fall when God’s right there to pick us up?"

3. Why You Need a Quit-Doing List (and How to Make One) by Grayson Pope on Jon Acuff's blog

"Quit making excuses. Every second you spend on something other than your dreams brings you one step closer to quitting them. And that’s the wrong kind of quitting."

4. Inspiration Is Fool's Gold, UNLESS by Jenika on her blog Psychology for Photographers

"When the universe brings you the inspiration you need, don’t just hit the Like button.  Say thank you by doing something with it."

5. Sharks and Bears and Casting Your Cares by Heather on Mama Knows, Honey Child

"My friend, you are not excluded from God's goodness. He has not forgotten about you. You are His Beloved."

Hope you find some wonderful reading material and some serious "get off your butt" inspiration! Enjoy!


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